Question Authorities
About Us
-The Quizdom was built by two Academic Team Coaches of many years. We saw a need for high quality Toss-Up and Multiple Choice questions and decided to fill the void. We have a strong and well-educated quizdom of questioneers.
Lorena Thompson Lorena coached Knowledge Bowl in Colorado for 25 years winning 16 state championship, 18 division titles, 5 National Placements, and 1 national win. She established the Colorado State Knowledge Bowl Board and served as President for several years before leaving it to others with more energy and ideas. She is retired from teaching and coaching and is basking in free time, well she used to be basking in free time. Lyndsay Thompson-Marquardt Lyndsay coached Knowledge Bowl in Colorado for 6 years, starting a fledgling program which went on to win several division championships. She coached 3 state championships and one national championship team. She teaches part time and runs a business part time, so there is no basking for her either. |